8 research outputs found

    Transnational Inter-Territorial Cooperation in the LEADER Approach. The Cases of Finland and Spain

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    Artikkelissa virheellisesti Päivi Pylkänen po. Päivi PylkkänenThis research focuses on the LEADER approach, the practice of neo-endogenous rural development inside the European Union (EU), and inside of this, one of its basic specificities, transnational cooperation projects (TNCP), specifically for Finland and Spain, and for the 2007-2013 programming period, what implementation problems have these projects faced? What effects have been derived from their application? To obtain quantitative information, the reports from the European Rural Development Network have been analyzed; and to extract detailed information, the reports of the National Rural Network of Spain, of Nordic-Baltic LEADER Cooperation Award, have been consulted, in addition to for some projects, the reports of these TNCPs of each Local Action Group; and in the cases that those responsible for these TNCPs have been found, the data extracted from a questionnaire, answered by 19 of them. The data show that PCTNs have not obtained the needed expectations, mainly due to bureaucratic, economic problems, and even, due to the lack of willingness of the initial and last stakeholders and managers in charge to implement them. Therefore, the potential for transnational cooperation remains underutilized in terms of knowledge sharing and skills development, to provide new ideas and inspiration that strengthen rural development strategies, and even to foster solidarity between different rural areas.Peer reviewe

    Casos exitosos en la construcción de sociedades sustentables

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    Reseña de: Nombres y apellidos de los coordinadores: Evodia Silva Rivera, María del Carmen Vergara Tenorio y Ernesto Rodríguez-Luna. Título de la obra: Casos exitosos en la construcción de sociedades sustentables. Ciudad donde se editó: Veracruz. Editorial: Universidad Veracruzana. Fecha de edición: 2012. Número de páginas: 548. ISBN: 978607502156

    Calidad de vida y envejecimiento. La visión de los mayores sobre sus condiciones de vida

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    Reseña de: Coordinadores/as: Fermina Rojo Pérez y Gloria Fernández-Mayoralas Fernández. Título de la obra: Calidad de vida y envejecimiento. La visión de los mayores sobre sus condiciones de vida. Ciudad en la que se editó: Bilbao. Editorial: Fundación BBVA. Fecha de edición: Diciembre de 2011. Número de páginas: 398. ISBN: 978-84-92937-12-